We hope your jewellery reaches you in perfect condition, however if the items are damaged in transit, or are faulty please contact us immediately so we can advise you what to do. Please retain the original packaging as you will be asked to return this with the jewellery to us and possibly send in photos of the damaged good(s). This is the only circumstance in which Chaleur will provide a refund.
Please note** Chaleur will only provide a refund if the item is damaged within 14 days of receiving the product. If it is more than 14 days - Chaleur can not be held responsible for any damaged items.
We advise you to accurately measure your ring size using the RING SIZE GUIDE ( before purchasing your ring as If you bought the wrong ring size, unfortunately Chaleur Online is unable to provide a refund or exchange.
Please contact us at if you have any questions on our policies. Allow up to 3-4 business days for a response. We receive a high volume of e-mails daily and respond in the order they are sent. Please keep in mind we work from the oldest e-mail first so this could take some time for a reply. Please include your order number and full name and e-mail address the the order was placed under.
By purchasing from you accept and agree these terms and service.